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30.11.2017 11:35 Alter: 6 yrs

Mangwanani akanaka means Good morning in Shona!

African day at Erlöserschule

Classes 9a und 9b had a unique chance of talking to a native speaker in their English lessons. Mr Blessing Nyauma, a student from Zimbabwe, was invited by Mr Kügler to come over and introduce his culture and his country to the students of Erlöserschule. First Mr Nyauma gave information about the flag and the history of Zimbabwe. He told the students about the everyday life in his country in rural areas and in the cities. He showed a lot of photos of his homecountry and reported that Zimbabwe is the home of gold, diamonds and rare minerals. “For European tourists” Mr Nyauma said, “Zimbabwe is the only country where the big five can be seen: The lion, the elefant, the buffalo, the cheetah and the rhino.” Most interesting for the students was Mr Nyaumas family and their life. So they asked him a lot of questions: The guest from Zimbabwe reported that pupils in Zimbawe sometimes have to walk 10 kms to get to school – and the never walk alone, because of the wild animals. In the end he proudly presented the slogan of the people of Zimbawe: I am, because we are. A slogan, that also students from Erlöserschule should remember.